Operations and Crisis Management – Automotive – Slovenia
Slovenian SME, producing parts for motorbike and karting industry in trouble as a result of non-adequate management during the transfer of family business to next generation. Company had an immediate need for crisis manager in order to restructure company and train next generation management.
Foreign investors in Adria Region – Automotive – Adria region / EU
Non EU South European production company, dealing in automotive industry, expressed their need to open production unit and distributional center within EU markets, with an aim of getting the EU origin for products produced for North African markets and easier entry to complex European markets.
Sales Management – Automotive – Adria region
A plant producing brake parts for the automotive industry was lacking significant presence in their respective home markets in Adria Region, resulting in poor financial performance. ……. ….. …… …… ….. …….
Export Sales from Adria Region – Croatia / EU
A plant producing food supplements and OTC medicaments was failing in organizing desired presence and representative power on EU markets, in Russia and in Middle East, resulting in failure to grow sustainably.
Production Management – Safety Manufacturing – Adria region
A plant producing firefighting and armored vehicles was suffering from significant quality and delivery problems, resulting in decrease of sales and poor financial status. Owners were seeking for interim management who will improve the situation and prepare plant for sale to strategic partner.
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